Cryptowall 4 – The Evolution Continues

By Talos Group This post is authored by Andrea Allievi and Holger Unterbrink with contributions from Warren Mercer . Executive Summary Over the past year, Talos has devoted a significant amount of time to better understanding how ransomware operates, its relation to other malware, and its economic impact. This research has proven valuable for Talos and led the development of better detection methods within the products we support along with the disruption of adversarial operations . CryptoWall is one ransomware variant that has shown gradual evolution over the past year with []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Spotlight: Cryptowall 4 – The Evolution Continues

By Talos Group This post is authored by Andrea Allievi and Holger Unterbrink with contributions from Warren Mercer . Executive Summary Over the past year, Talos has devoted a significant amount of time to better understanding how ransomware operates, its relation to other malware, and its economic impact. This research has proven valuable for Talos and led the development of better detection methods within the products we support along with the disruption of adversarial operations . CryptoWall is one ransomware variant that has shown gradual evolution over the past year with []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cryptowall 4 – The Evolution Continues

By Talos Group This post is authored by Andrea Allievi and Holger Unterbrink with contributions from Warren Mercer . Executive Summary Over the past year, Talos has devoted a significant amount of time to better understanding how ransomware operates, its relation to other malware, and its economic impact. This research has proven valuable for Talos and led the development of better detection methods within the products we support along with the disruption of adversarial operations . CryptoWall is one ransomware variant that has shown gradual evolution over the past year with []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Securing that Holiday Shopping List with Cloud Web Security

By Story Tweedie-Yates With holiday shopping in full swing many of us are scrambling to buy that must-have toy, hot new gadget, or latest fashion trend. But shoppers aren’t the only ones striving to deliver just the right thing. There’s an entire supply chain working in lock-step to make sure the shelves are stocked with what you want, when you want it. A critical component of that supply chain is transportation management. Transportation management company leader Transplace understands the challenges and is focused []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Securing that Holiday Shopping List with Cloud Web Security

By Story Tweedie-Yates With holiday shopping in full swing many of us are scrambling to buy that must-have toy, hot new gadget, or latest fashion trend. But shoppers aren’t the only ones striving to deliver just the right thing. There’s an entire supply chain working in lock-step to make sure the shelves are stocked with what you want, when you want it. A critical component of that supply chain is transportation management. Transportation management company leader Transplace understands the challenges and is focused []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Microsoft Patch Tuesday – December 2015

By Talos Group Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release sees a total of 12 bulletins released which address 71 vulnerabilities. Eight bulletins are rated “Critical” this month and address vulnerabilities in Graphics Component, Edge, Internet Explorer, Office, Silverlight, Uniscribe, and VBScript. The other four bulletins are rated “Important” and address vulnerabilities in Kernel Mode Drivers, Media Center, Windows, and Windows PGM. Bulletins Rated Critical MS15-124, MS15-125, MS15-126, MS15-127, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Microsoft Patch Tuesday – December 2015

By Talos Group Today, Microsoft has released their monthly set of security bulletins designed to address security vulnerabilities within their products. This month’s release sees a total of 12 bulletins released which address 71 vulnerabilities. Eight bulletins are rated “Critical” this month and address vulnerabilities in Graphics Component, Edge, Internet Explorer, Office, Silverlight, Uniscribe, and VBScript. The other four bulletins are rated “Important” and address vulnerabilities in Kernel Mode Drivers, Media Center, Windows, and Windows PGM. Bulletins Rated Critical MS15-124, MS15-125, MS15-126, MS15-127, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

For Value Chain Security Collaboration, Use a Carrot With Your Stick

By Edna Conway The Digital Economy is transforming the way that organizations operate. Deploying a secure, trustworthy infrastructure is no longer enough. Security must be designed into all facets of an enterprise’s network and its third party ecosystem. At the same time, enterprises of all sizes must shrink the attack surface. And, foster an open, security-aware culture, internally and throughout their value chain. Given Cisco’s commitment to being trustworthy, transparent and accountable, I have been thinking quite a bit lately about the importance of []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

For Value Chain Security Collaboration, Use a Carrot With Your Stick

By Edna Conway The Digital Economy is transforming the way that organizations operate. Deploying a secure, trustworthy infrastructure is no longer enough. Security must be designed into all facets of an enterprise’s network and its third party ecosystem. At the same time, enterprises of all sizes must shrink the attack surface. And, foster an open, security-aware culture, internally and throughout their value chain. Given Cisco’s commitment to being trustworthy, transparent and accountable, I have been thinking quite a bit lately about the importance of []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Holiday Shopping Threat Avoidance

By Talos Group The holidays are upon us and the shopping season is kicking into high gear. This year, an estimated 270 million consumers will shop online and, for the first time, more than half of them will use mobile devices to check off their holiday shopping lists. With consumers searching for holiday discounts through display ads, social media and email, Cisco Talos Security Intelligence and Research Group predict that both malvertising and email spam will be significant vectors for cyber crime this []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice