The Risks of Outdated Email Encryption and the Advantages of ZixGateway with Cisco Technology

By Khelan Bhatt Email is how your company keeps business moving. It’s so easy to click the Send button that your employees may not realize the risk. In the past you may have found it easier to turn a blind eye, especially for an issue that does not appear to be a business priority. But a never-ending cycle of email controversies and breach news are raising awareness for the risk of unsecure email. Understanding the challenge and how to solve it – without []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Evolution of attacks on Cisco IOS devices

By Graham Holmes While “SYNful Knock” is the latest identified malware targeting Cisco devices running Cisco IOS, we have identified and investigated six other malware incidents during the last four years that target Cisco devices running Cisco IOS. The nature of threats is evolving and Cisco will continue to adapt technology delivering trustworthy solutions that our customers can rely on. This also means that customers will need to evolve, fully utilizing the security tools that are available, as well as ensuring security best []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Evolution of attacks on Cisco IOS devices

By Graham Holmes While “SYNful Knock” is the latest identified malware targeting Cisco devices running Cisco IOS, we have identified and investigated six other malware incidents during the last four years that target Cisco devices running Cisco IOS. The nature of threats is evolving and Cisco will continue to adapt technology delivering trustworthy solutions that our customers can rely on. This also means that customers will need to evolve, fully utilizing the security tools that are available, as well as ensuring security best []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cybersecurity: The Holistic Trust Approach

By Anthony Grieco In the past few years, the security industry has invested heavily in the detection and containment of attacks and breaches as a primary focus of innovation. To help protect Cisco, its customers, products, services and partners, we have embarked on a journey to build security and trust into every aspect of our business, including the culture of our workplace itself. The rapid evolution of the threat landscape has made this trust journey a necessity. Exploits are more frequent, better financed, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cybersecurity: The Holistic Trust Approach

By Anthony Grieco In the past few years, the security industry has invested heavily in the detection and containment of attacks and breaches as a primary focus of innovation. To help protect Cisco, its customers, products, services and partners, we have embarked on a journey to build security and trust into every aspect of our business, including the culture of our workplace itself. The rapid evolution of the threat landscape has made this trust journey a necessity. Exploits are more frequent, better financed, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Spotlight: Cisco Talos Thwarts Access to Massive International Exploit Kit Generating $60M Annually From Ransomware Alone

By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Joel Esler , Warren Mercer , Matt Olney , Melissa Taylor , and Craig Williams . Executive Summary Today, Cisco struck a blow to a group of hackers, disrupting a significant international revenue stream generated by the notorious Angler Exploit Kit. Angler is one of the largest exploit kit found on the market and has been making news as it has been linked to several high-profile malvertising/ransomware campaigns. This is the most advanced and concerning exploit kit on the market – designed []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Threat Spotlight: Cisco Talos Thwarts Access to Massive International Exploit Kit Generating $60M Annually From Ransomware Alone

By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Joel Esler , Warren Mercer , Matt Olney , Melissa Taylor , and Craig Williams . Executive Summary Today, Cisco struck a blow to a group of hackers, disrupting a significant international revenue stream generated by the notorious Angler Exploit Kit. Angler is one of the largest exploit kit found on the market and has been making news as it has been linked to several high-profile malvertising/ransomware campaigns. This is the most advanced and concerning exploit kit on the market – designed []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Improvements to Cisco’s Security Vulnerability Disclosures

By Omar Santos Cisco is committed to protecting customers by sharing critical security-related information in different formats. Guided by customer feedback, Cisco’s Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is seeking ways to improve how we communicate information about Cisco product vulnerabilities to our Customers and Partners. As John Stewart mentioned on his blog post , the Cisco PSIRT has launched a new and improved security vulnerability disclosure format. The new Cisco Security Advisories can be accessed at and at The intent is to make it easier for Customers and Partners to access information about all security vulnerabilities in Cisco products. []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Improvements to Cisco’s Security Vulnerability Disclosures

By Omar Santos Cisco is committed to protecting customers by sharing critical security-related information in different formats. Guided by customer feedback, Cisco’s Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) is seeking ways to improve how we communicate information about Cisco product vulnerabilities to our Customers and Partners. As John Stewart mentioned on his blog post , the Cisco PSIRT has launched a new and improved security vulnerability disclosure format. The new Cisco Security Advisories can be accessed at and at The intent is to make it easier for Customers and Partners to access information about all security vulnerabilities in Cisco products. []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Streamlining the Response to Security Vulnerabilities

By John Stewart With security threats evolving at a staggering pace, we’re hearing from our customers that their network administrators are often finding it difficult to keep up. They are challenged to make informed decisions quickly enough and prioritize their responses to incoming threats. Not surprising since with each new threat and the related vulnerabilities IT leaders are faced with several questions: Where do I go to find information? Which information is for background and which requires immediate action? What has changed since []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice