Espionage in the Internet Age

By Jean Gordon Kocienda If you had asked me a few years ago, I might have predicted that the rise of large scale hacking and network-based Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) would spell the end of old-school espionage (poison-tipped umbrellas, office break-ins, dangles and the like). Those of us who fancy ourselves logical, savvy cyber security specialists can be forgiven for thinking such analog antics wouldn’t persist in a digital world. And yet, human espionage remains a nagging issue. A Russian spy ring was disrupted in New York []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Securing the IoE with OpenAppID

By Costas Kleopa We introduced OpenAppID in early 2014 with the goal of empowering customers and the open source community to control application usage in their network environments. Since then, we have increased our coverage from 1,000 OpenAppID detectors to more than 2,600, and have received valuable feedback from the community on ways to improve the product. The case of having an open, application-focused detection language and processing module for Snort has attracted the attention of the Internet of Everything (IoE) world. There are countless []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Securing the IoE with OpenAppID

By Costas Kleopa We introduced OpenAppID in early 2014 with the goal of empowering customers and the open source community to control application usage in their network environments. Since then, we have increased our coverage from 1,000 OpenAppID detectors to more than 2,600, and have received valuable feedback from the community on ways to improve the product. The case of having an open, application-focused detection language and processing module for Snort has attracted the attention of the Internet of Everything (IoE) world. There are countless []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The Need To Solve for Time

By Tom Hogue Ponemon Institute called 2014 the year of the “ Mega Breaches ,” which will be remembered for its series of mega security breaches and attacks. These “Mega Breaches” are perfect examples of what is commonly known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). The Ponemon Institute survey asked, among many questions, “When was the breach discovered?” Surprisingly, the results revealed that ONLY 2% of the respondents in the survey discovered their breach within one week of after the incident and a staggering 90% were []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The Need To Solve for Time

By Tom Hogue Ponemon Institute called 2014 the year of the “ Mega Breaches ,” which will be remembered for its series of mega security breaches and attacks. These “Mega Breaches” are perfect examples of what is commonly known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). The Ponemon Institute survey asked, among many questions, “When was the breach discovered?” Surprisingly, the results revealed that ONLY 2% of the respondents in the survey discovered their breach within one week of after the incident and a staggering 90% were []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Continuous Analysis Yields Continuous Leadership Against Advanced Threats

By Jason Brvenik Organizations today have no shortage of challenges when it comes to cyber security and their growing IT infrastructure. Not only is the frequency and sophistication of malware attacks on the rise, but with the proliferation of mobility, BYOD, IoT, and cloud services; the number of entry points an attacker has into the network grows exponentially with them. Given this landscape we know the most effective way to address these threats is with security offering continuous analysis and retrospective protection that extends across all attack vectors []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Continuous Analysis Yields Continuous Leadership Against Advanced Threats

By Jason Brvenik Organizations today have no shortage of challenges when it comes to cyber security and their growing IT infrastructure. Not only is the frequency and sophistication of malware attacks on the rise, but with the proliferation of mobility, BYOD, IoT, and cloud services; the number of entry points an attacker has into the network grows exponentially with them. Given this landscape we know the most effective way to address these threats is with security offering continuous analysis and retrospective protection that extends across all attack vectors []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

We Who Cut Mere Stones Must Always Be Envisioning Cathedrals

By Rashesh Jethi The well-known Quarry Worker’s Creed, called out in prefaces to books such as “ The Pragmatic Programmer ” and “ Ship While you Sleep ”, posits the notion of IT done right as more than simple engineering discipline – good software development, for example, should not “preclude individual craftsmanship”. Drawing parallels to the construction of large cathedrals built in Europe during the Middle Ages, the quarry worker’s creed points out that while generations of builders advanced the state of structural engineering from one decade to the next, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

We Who Cut Mere Stones Must Always Be Envisioning Cathedrals

By Rashesh Jethi The well-known Quarry Worker’s Creed, called out in prefaces to books such as “ The Pragmatic Programmer ” and “ Ship While you Sleep ”, posits the notion of IT done right as more than simple engineering discipline – good software development, for example, should not “preclude individual craftsmanship”. Drawing parallels to the construction of large cathedrals built in Europe during the Middle Ages, the quarry worker’s creed points out that while generations of builders advanced the state of structural engineering from one decade to the next, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Getting to Know Tom Powledge, Vice President of Cisco Managed Security Services

By Tom Powledge After several months leading the managed security services portfolio at Cisco, I sat down with the social media team to discuss my path to Cisco, the evolution of the security market, and the future of security. [Note: This is an abridged version of the full interview .] Q: After nearly 20 years at Symantec, why did you decide to move to Cisco? TP: Cisco has all of the pieces necessary to solve the biggest security problems facing businesses today and into the []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice