Vulnerability Spotlight: Windows 10 Remote Denial of Service

By Talos Group Talos is releasing an advisory for a remote denial of service attack vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 10 AHCACHE.SYS. An attacker can craft a malicious portable executable file, which if accessed causes AHCACHE.SYS to attempt to access out of scope memory. This triggers a bugcheck in the Windows kernel causing the system to crash, denying service […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: Windows 10 Remote Denial of Service

By Talos Group Talos is releasing an advisory for a remote denial of service attack vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 10 AHCACHE.SYS. An attacker can craft a malicious portable executable file, which if accessed causes AHCACHE.SYS to attempt to access out of scope memory. This triggers a bugcheck in the Windows kernel causing the system to crash, denying service […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Transforming Endpoint Security

By Tom Stitt It’s been said before, but this bears repeating. On average, it takes organizations 100 days1 or more to detect a breach after it occurs. On average. This means attackers often have more than three months to examine an organization’s data and then steal what they want. Clearly, this is not effective. These attacks ultimately target […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Transforming Endpoint Security

By Tom Stitt It’s been said before, but this bears repeating. On average, it takes organizations 100 days1 or more to detect a breach after it occurs. On average. This means attackers often have more than three months to examine an organization’s data and then steal what they want. Clearly, this is not effective. These attacks ultimately target […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Sundown EK: You Better Take Care

By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini Over the last six months the exploit kit landscape has seen some major changes. These changes began with Nuclear ceasing operations in April/May and arrests in Russia coinciding with the end of Angler in June. Recently, Neutrino has been added to the list of exploit kits that have […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Sundown EK: You Better Take Care

By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini Over the last six months the exploit kit landscape has seen some major changes. These changes began with Nuclear ceasing operations in April/May and arrests in Russia coinciding with the end of Angler in June. Recently, Neutrino has been added to the list of exploit kits that have […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The Evolution of Scoring Security Vulnerabilities: The Sequel

By Omar Santos Back in April, I wrote a blog post about the new version of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The changes made for CVSSv3 addressed some of the challenges that existed in CVSSv2. For example, CVSSv3 analyzes the scope of a vulnerability and identifies the privileges an attacker needs to exploit it. The CVSSv3 enhancements […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The Evolution of Scoring Security Vulnerabilities: The Sequel

By Omar Santos Back in April, I wrote a blog post about the new version of the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). The changes made for CVSSv3 addressed some of the challenges that existed in CVSSv2. For example, CVSSv3 analyzes the scope of a vulnerability and identifies the privileges an attacker needs to exploit it. The CVSSv3 enhancements […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

National Cybersecurity: A Collaborative Approach is Required

By Edna Conway As we wrap up National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the U.S., cybersecurity continues to be a top-of-mind issue for business, government and consumers alike. In February 2016, President Obama announced a Cybersecurity National Action Plan to improve the United States‘ cybersecurity posture. The non-partisan Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity was created and charged with making […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

National Cybersecurity: A Collaborative Approach is Required

By Edna Conway As we wrap up National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the U.S., cybersecurity continues to be a top-of-mind issue for business, government and consumers alike. In February 2016, President Obama announced a Cybersecurity National Action Plan to improve the United States‘ cybersecurity posture. The non-partisan Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity was created and charged with making […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice