Detecting DNS Data Exfiltration

By Talos Group The recent discovery of Wekby and Point of Sale malware using DNS requests as a command and control channel highlights the need to consider DNS as a potentially malicious channel. Although a skilled analyst may be able to quickly spot unusual activity because they are familiar with their organisation’s normal DNS activity, manually reviewing DNS […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Detecting DNS Data Exfiltration

By Talos Group The recent discovery of Wekby and Point of Sale malware using DNS requests as a command and control channel highlights the need to consider DNS as a potentially malicious channel. Although a skilled analyst may be able to quickly spot unusual activity because they are familiar with their organisation’s normal DNS activity, manually reviewing DNS […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: LibreOffice RTF Vulnerability

By Talos Group Vulnerability discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic of Cisco Talos. Talos is disclosing the presence of CVE-2016-4324 / TALOS-CAN-0126, a Use After Free vulnerability within the RTF parser of LibreOffice. The vulnerability lies in the parsing of documents containing both stylesheet and superscript tokens. A specially crafted RTF document containing both a stylesheet and superscript element causes […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Vulnerability Spotlight: LibreOffice RTF Vulnerability

By Talos Group Vulnerability discovered by Aleksandar Nikolic of Cisco Talos. Talos is disclosing the presence of CVE-2016-4324 / TALOS-CAN-0126, a Use After Free vulnerability within the RTF parser of LibreOffice. The vulnerability lies in the parsing of documents containing both stylesheet and superscript tokens. A specially crafted RTF document containing both a stylesheet and superscript element causes […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Better Security Through Openness and Multi-Vendor Integration

By Scott Pope Cisco Further Expands Technology Partner Ecosystem – New Partners and New Tech Integration Areas Security is an interconnected system, not a bunch of disparate boxes. Like a school of fish, security should operate collaboratively to accomplish a goal. Not just for the sake of “integration”, but because the very nature of securing networks, applications and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Better Security Through Openness and Multi-Vendor Integration

By Scott Pope Cisco Further Expands Technology Partner Ecosystem – New Partners and New Tech Integration Areas Security is an interconnected system, not a bunch of disparate boxes. Like a school of fish, security should operate collaboratively to accomplish a goal. Not just for the sake of “integration”, but because the very nature of securing networks, applications and […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Connected Value Chains: The Pervasive Security Imperative

By Edna Conway We can no longer debate the reality of digital disruption and its impact on each of us in all we do, at work, at home and at play. Today’s challenge is to embrace the connected world and address security on a comprehensive continuum to ensure its optimum impact. To do this, we must look at […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Connected Value Chains: The Pervasive Security Imperative

By Edna Conway We can no longer debate the reality of digital disruption and its impact on each of us in all we do, at work, at home and at play. Today’s challenge is to embrace the connected world and address security on a comprehensive continuum to ensure its optimum impact. To do this, we must look at […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

AMP for Networks is SAFETY Act Certified®

By Jason Lamar The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a SAFETY Act Certification to Cisco for our Advanced Malware Protection for Networks technology. This certification follows an extensive DHS review and extends potential liability protections to Cisco’s customers that use AMP for Networks. Congrats to Cisco Systems, Inc., on their recent SAFETY Act Certification! More at: […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

AMP for Networks is SAFETY Act Certified®

By Jason Lamar The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a SAFETY Act Certification to Cisco for our Advanced Malware Protection for Networks technology. This certification follows an extensive DHS review and extends potential liability protections to Cisco’s customers that use AMP for Networks. Congrats to Cisco Systems, Inc., on their recent SAFETY Act Certification! More at: […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice