Widespread JBoss Backdoors a Major Threat

By Talos Group Recently a large scale ransomware campaign delivering Samsam changed the threat landscape for ransomware delivery. Targeting vulnerabilities in servers to spread ransomware is a new dimension to an already prolific threat. Due to information provided from our Cisco IR Services Team, stemming from a recent customer engagement, we began looking deeper into the JBoss vectors […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Widespread JBoss Backdoors a Major Threat

By Talos Group With around 2100 servers affected, there are a lot of stories about how this happened. But a consistent thread in them all is the need to patch.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Designing Security and Trust into the Cloud

By Steve Martino Cloud computing has reached a tipping point as many organizations have either adopted, or are planning to adopt, some form of cloud computing technology – whether IT knows and manages it or not. “Speed to capability” is one of the primary reasons that individuals, business units and departments are using cloud technology and service providers […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Designing Security and Trust into the Cloud

By Steve Martino Cloud computing has reached a tipping point as many organizations have either adopted, or are planning to adopt, some form of cloud computing technology – whether IT knows and manages it or not. “Speed to capability” is one of the primary reasons that individuals, business units and departments are using cloud technology and service providers […]

Source:: Cisco Security Notice