Angler Attempts to Slip the Hook

By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Joel Esler and Melissa Taylor Talos has discussed at length the sophistication of the Angler exploit kit. One thing that always makes Angler stand apart is the speed with which they develop and implement new techniques. Whether its domain shadowing, 302 cushioning, encrypted payloads, or quick exploit development Angler is constantly trying to maintain its lead in the exploit kit arms race. Recently we noticed some changes in Angler. Read More >>

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Angler Attempts to Slip the Hook

By Talos Group This post was authored by Nick Biasini with contributions from Joel Esler and Melissa Taylor Talos has discussed at length the sophistication of the Angler exploit kit. One thing that always makes Angler stand apart is the speed with which they develop and implement new techniques. Whether its domain shadowing, 302 cushioning, encrypted payloads, or quick exploit development Angler is constantly trying to maintain its lead in the exploit kit arms race. Recently we noticed some changes in Angler. Read More >>

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco and NATO expand cyber security partnership

By John Stewart Today NATO and Cisco, two long-time cyber defense partners, are formalizing a key piece of our cooperation – information sharing.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Cisco and NATO expand cyber security partnership

By John Stewart Today NATO and Cisco, two long-time cyber defense partners, are formalizing a key piece of our cooperation – information sharing.

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Tax Scams Gone International

By Talos Group Tax time in the US is quickly approaching. Everyone should be on the lookout for scams that are designed to trick you out of your money and personal information. The IRS is warning users about an increase in the number of email scams being used this year. However, these attacks are no longer limited to just the United States. Earlier this year we notice tax phishing campaigns targeting Ireland. Therefore, we decided to take a look back over the last year []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Tax Scams Gone International

By Talos Group Tax time in the US is quickly approaching. Everyone should be on the lookout for scams that are designed to trick you out of your money and personal information. The IRS is warning users about an increase in the number of email scams being used this year. However, these attacks are no longer limited to just the United States. Earlier this year we notice tax phishing campaigns targeting Ireland. Therefore, we decided to take a look back over the last year []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

RSA Conference Brings Privacy out of the Shadows

By Michelle Dennedy As RSA Conference 2016 draws near, I’m excited to see that privacy is at last getting its day in the sun. This topic has often seemed like an after-market add-on at the conference in previous years. Last year, in fact, most of the booths at RSAC were touting the fact that they had security AND privacy, but when pressed, privacy usually meant encryption. Fortunately, that has changed. Why? The huge data breaches of last year, particularly those affecting the healthcare industry and the []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

RSA Conference Brings Privacy out of the Shadows

By Michelle Dennedy As RSA Conference 2016 draws near, I’m excited to see that privacy is at last getting its day in the sun. This topic has often seemed like an after-market add-on at the conference in previous years. Last year, in fact, most of the booths at RSAC were touting the fact that they had security AND privacy, but when pressed, privacy usually meant encryption. Fortunately, that has changed. Why? The huge data breaches of last year, particularly those affecting the healthcare industry and the []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice