Bedep Lurking in Angler’s Shadows

By Talos Group This post is authored by Nick Biasini . In October 2015, Talos released our detailed investigation of the Angler Exploit Kit which outlined the infrastructure and monetary impact of an exploit kit campaign delivering ransomware. During the investigation we found that two thirds of Angler’s payloads were some variation of ransomware and noted one of the other major payloads was Bedep. Bedep is a malware downloader that is exclusive to Angler. This post will discuss the Bedep side of Angler and draw []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Bedep Lurking in Angler’s Shadows

By Talos Group This post is authored by Nick Biasini . In October 2015, Talos released our detailed investigation of the Angler Exploit Kit which outlined the infrastructure and monetary impact of an exploit kit campaign delivering ransomware. During the investigation we found that two thirds of Angler’s payloads were some variation of ransomware and noted one of the other major payloads was Bedep. Bedep is a malware downloader that is exclusive to Angler. This post will discuss the Bedep side of Angler and draw []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Simplifying Security Architectures with SAFE

By Christian Janoff Safe. The very sound of it resonates with security. It is with some irony that Cisco has decided to reuse the term. Why ironic? For one, there is the idea among security folk that in reality, nothing is entirely safe. Why would Cisco sell intrusion detection if no intruders can, well…intrude? For those of you who remember SAFE from the early days of Cisco, it might seem like a familiar friend that has grown up a bit. Cisco historians ask, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Simplifying Security Architectures with SAFE

By Christian Janoff Safe. The very sound of it resonates with security. It is with some irony that Cisco has decided to reuse the term. Why ironic? For one, there is the idea among security folk that in reality, nothing is entirely safe. Why would Cisco sell intrusion detection if no intruders can, well…intrude? For those of you who remember SAFE from the early days of Cisco, it might seem like a familiar friend that has grown up a bit. Cisco historians ask, []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The Internet of Things Is Not Always So Comforting

By Talos Group Over the past few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as reality with the advent of smart refrigerators, smart HVAC systems, smart TVs, and more. Embedding internet-enabled devices into everything presents new opportunities in connecting these systems to each other, making them “smarter,” and making our lives more convenient than ever before. Despite the new possibilities, there are major concerns about the IoT which inspire a legitimate question: “What happens if it’s not ‘done right‘ and there are []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

The Internet of Things Is Not Always So Comforting

By Talos Group Over the past few years, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as reality with the advent of smart refrigerators, smart HVAC systems, smart TVs, and more. Embedding internet-enabled devices into everything presents new opportunities in connecting these systems to each other, making them “smarter,” and making our lives more convenient than ever before. Despite the new possibilities, there are major concerns about the IoT which inspire a legitimate question: “What happens if it’s not ‘done right‘ and there are []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice