SYNful Knock: Detecting and Mitigating Cisco IOS Software Attacks

By Omar Santos Historically, threat actors have targeted network devices to create disruption through a denial of service (DoS) situation. While this remains the most common type of attack on network devices, we continue to see advances that focus on further compromising the victim’s infrastructure. Recently, the Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT) has alerted customers around the evolution of attacks against Cisco IOS Software platforms . Today, Mandiant/FireEye published an article describing an example of this type of attack. This involved a router “implant” that they dubbed SYNful Knock, reported to have been found in []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Anomaly vs Vulnerability Detection Using Cisco IPS

By Nick Smith The Cisco IPS network based intrusion prevention system (NIPS) uses signatures to detect network-based attacks. Signatures can be created in a variety of engines based on the type of network traffic being inspected. Cisco signatures have very flexible configurations. In this blog post, I will discuss the trade-offs between two basic approaches for signature configuration: anomaly detection and vulnerability detection. With Cisco IPS, anomaly detection is a broad approach of detecting malicious network activity. Signatures written to detect broad categories []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice

Anomaly vs Vulnerability Detection Using Cisco IPS

By Nick Smith The Cisco IPS network based intrusion prevention system (NIPS) uses signatures to detect network-based attacks. Signatures can be created in a variety of engines based on the type of network traffic being inspected. Cisco signatures have very flexible configurations. In this blog post, I will discuss the trade-offs between two basic approaches for signature configuration: anomaly detection and vulnerability detection. With Cisco IPS, anomaly detection is a broad approach of detecting malicious network activity. Signatures written to detect broad categories []

Source:: Cisco Security Notice